Create Cocoapod using Binary iOS Framework (Dynamic Framework )

Krishna kushwaha
2 min readJan 18, 2021

CocoaPod Specifications

you have successfully exported the universal framework, let’s distribute it as a CocoaPod!

steps 1: create Pod spec name using cmd —
$ pod spec create myFramework

I’m using ShooterFramework Name

Created a myFramework.podspec(ShooterFramework) file in your directory which will contain information about the CocoaPod you are publishing, such as its name, version, sources, and more.

Paste the following contents inside it: do |spec| = "ShooterFramework"
spec.version = "0.0.1"
spec.summary = "A ShooterFramework of ShooterFramework gamers. "
spec.description = "this is just for shooter lovers gamers "

spec.homepage = ""
spec.license = { :type => 'MIT', :file => 'LICENSE' } = { "Krishna" => "" }
spec.source = { :git => "**/", :tag => "{spec.version}" }

spec.platform = :ios, "11.0"
spec.ios.deployment_target = "11.0"
spec.vendored_frameworks = 'SpaceShooter.framework'


you can change content accordingly you name, ver, sum, disc, source link, etc.

Here is an explanation for some of the more non-trivial properties:

  • s.license - you must ship a license file with your CocoaPod, so go ahead and create a LICENSE file in your project directory with this as its content.
  • s.source - the hosted .zip location of your CocoaPod files (in your case, the MySDK.framework folder and the LICENSE file). More on this later.
  • s.ios.vendored_frameworks - the path of the framework you are distributing within the s.source archive, after being decompressed.

then check your framework is working using cmd

$ pod spec lint ShooterFramework.podspec

cool almost done !

after that register in cocoapod using cmd —

pod trunk register

then push pod trunk push MyFramework.podspec


Thank you!
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